The Zambezi Basin Stakeholders Forum was held in Lusaka from 25 to 26 September 2017. The Forum brought together a wide array of stakeholders from the Zambezi River Basin which included inter alia; Policy Makers, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat, International Cooperating Partners, River Basin Organisations, Media, Research and Academia and Civil Society.
The theme of the Forum was “Benefits of Co-operation and Basin-wide Planning in the Management and Development of Shared Water Resources”. This aligns with the aim of the Zambezi Strategic Plan of the Zambezi Watercourse which is to “contribute to the harmonization of basin-wide cooperation in the management and development of the water resources of the Zambezi Watercourse”.
The ZSP Consultant presented on the ZSP and received strategic guidance from the Basin Stakeholders towards the successful development of the ZSP.