*NEW* The second edition of the Zambezi Today July -December 2022 is now out. The items featured in this edition include the funding of ZAMCOM for the Nature, People and Climate (NPC) investment program by the Climate Investment Fund (CIF), the promotion of shared management of surface and groundwater resources through collaboration with SADC-GMI, as well as the steady progression to mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion in development planning and implementation by ZAMCOM...... Read more and download the copy here
The edition of Zambezi Today June 2022 is out. Among other issues covered and not to be missed out in the Vol.1 No 1 is the Interview with the New ZAMCOM Executive Secretary, towards climate-smart investments in the Zambezi Watercourse, Climate-smart adaptation strategies for the Zambezi Watercourse as well as the launch of Kwando/Cuando River Basin Report Health Card and the State of the River Basin Report in June 2022. Read more and download the copy here
Innovative and integrated approaches to water, energy and food security management are required in the Zambezi Basin are required to optimize to use of resources, balance competing demands and maximize benefits. As the three sectors are inextricably linked, uncoordinated development and management in one area has the capacity to negatively impact on the others.
Food security is under threat in the Zambezi River Basin following a prediction of El Niño weather during the 2015/16 agricultural season.The rainfall outlook released by experts at the 19th Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-19) held late August in 2015 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, indicates that southern Africa is expected to receive insufficient rainfall from October 2015 to March 2016.
The recently signed protocol on the Facilitation of Movement of Persons in the SADC region has much to offer the Zambezi River Basin where communities share assets, cultural values, traditional leadership, economic opportunities and languages.
CLIMATE AND human pressure on resources are significantly changing the environment in the Zambezi river basin, as illustrated in a publication to be launched in 2013, the Zambezi River Basin Atlas of the Changing Environment.
THE PERMANENT Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) Secretariat is now fully operational in Harare, Zimbabwe.
This follows the appointment of an Executive Secretary who took office in July 2014, and was joined by professional and support staff in January 2015.
The planet is heating up, almost certainly due to the increase in greenhouse gases caused by human activity, and the signs are beginning to show. Debate on climate change and its link to natural disasters has been revived in the wake of recent floods that inundated some parts of the Zambezi river basin following a prolonged drought.
Participation in decision-making in the management of the Zambezi river basin is set to include all the eight riparian states following the launch of phase two of a SADC Water Sector Coordinating Unit programme. The programme seeks to set up a water resources information system that will provide information on activities on the basin.
CLIMATE EXPERTS from southern Africa have adopted a draft common regional position on the forthcoming climate change negotiations set for Lima, Peru in December.
Water Experts have been urged to adopt a different approach in water resources development and management if they are to increase effective stakeholder participation at community level.