The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) is a major river basin organization in Africa. It was established in 2014 as an inter-governmental organisation that brings together 8 Riparian states that share the Zambezi River Basin, as stipulated in the 2004 ZAMCOM Agreement and in accordance with the revised SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses of 2000. The Riparian States to the Zambezi River Basin are: the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Botswana, the Republic of Malawi, the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of Namibia, the Republic of Tanzania , the Republic of Zambia and the Republic of Zimbabwe.
ZAMCOM’s objective is “to promote the equitable and reasonable utilization of the water resources of the Zambezi Watercourse as well as the efficient management and sustainable development thereof”.
Vision and Mission
ZAMCOM’s vision and mission draw from regional aspirations, the Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Zambezi River Basin; and the ZAMCOM Agreement. The vision envisages a future characterised by equitable and sustainable utilisation of water for social and environmental justice, regional integration and economic benefit for present and future generations. In pursuit of that future, ZAMCOM strives to promote the equitable and reasonable utilisation of the water resources of the Zambezi Watercourse as well as the efficient management and sustainable development thereof.
ZAMCOM Background