

128 Samora Machel Avenue

Harare, Zimbabwe


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ZAMCOM Governance

The functions of ZAMCOM include the following:
(a) To collect, evaluate and disseminate all data and information on the Zambezi Watercourse as may be necessary;
(b) To promote, support, coordinate and harmonize the management and development of the water resources of the Zambezi Watercourse;
(c) To advise the Member States on the planning, management, utilization, development, protection and conservation of the Zambezi Watercourse as well as on the role and position of the Public with regard to such activities and the possible impact thereof on social and cultural heritage matters; 
(d) To advise the Member States on measures necessary for the avoidance of disputes and assist in the resolution of conflicts among Member States with regard to the planning management, utilization, development, protection and conservation of the Zambezi Watercourse;
(e) To foster greater awareness among the inhabitants of the Zambezi Watercourse of the equitable and reasonable utilization and the efficient management and sustainable development of the resources of the Zambezi Watercourse; and
(f) To co-operate with the institutions of SADC as well as other international and national organizations where necessary.


ZAMCOM has three main organs:
i) The Council of Ministers (CoM) which is the highest decision making body. The Council of Ministers adopts policies and decisions and provides other necessary guidance. ZAMCOM Council of Ministers meet once annually in an ordinary session and may meet in extraordinary session at the request of any Member State.
ii) The Technical Committee (ZAMTEC) which is a technical / advisory body. ZAMTEC is responsible for the implementation of policies and decisions of Council through the ZAMCOM Secretariat;
iii) The Secretariat (ZAMSEC) which is responsible for the provision of technical and administrative services to the Council under the supervision of ZAMTEC.


The organisational structure is depicted in the organogram below:

ZAMCOM Governance