A. ZAMCOM strategically engages and harnesses synergies with other regional bodies and programmes. ZAMCOM has, thus, entered into a number of broad MOUs in order to strengthen and extend the partnerships and ensure that they are sustainable. These partnerships allow for joint activities – coordination and co-organising of regional events in the context of promoting the sustainable management and development of water and related resources in the Zambezi watercourse. The following are some of the partners (both those with whom ZAMCOM has an MOU and others with whom partnership possibilities are being discussed) and their website address links:
1. Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWP SA): www.gwpsa.com
2. The World Conservation Union (IUCN): www.iucn.org
3. Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) : www.sardc.net
4. Southern Africa Development Community - Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI)
5. WaterNet: www.waternetonline.org
6. World Fish Centre (WFC): www.worldfishcenter.org
7. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF): www.worldwildlife.org
8. Southern African Development Community (SADC): www.sadc.int
9. SADC Water Information Sharing Hub (SWISH): www.sadcwaterhub.org
10. AU/NEPAD Southern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence (SANWATCE): https://www0.sun.ac.za/international/news/au-nepad-southern-african-netw...
B. ZAMCOM recognizes the fact that managing transboundary resources is key to building resilience, promoting sustainable development and tackling issues of peace, sovereignty and security. It is, thus part of a group of SADC’s Shared Watercourse Institutions (SWIs) known as River Basin Organizations (RBOs). ZAMCOM collaborates with other RBOs in the holding of an annual meeting of the organisations under the auspices of SADC’s Water Division. These RBOs include the following:
1. OKAVANGO River Basin Commission (OKACOM): www.okacom.org
2. Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM): www.orasecom.org
3. Limpopo River Basin Commission (LIMCOM): www.limcom.org
4. Zambezi River Authority (ZRA): www.zambezira.org
5. Lake Tanganyika Authority (LTA): http://lta.iwlearn.org
6. Ruvuma Joint Water Commission: http://www.icp-confluence-sadc.org/taxonomy/term/65
7. Pangani Basin Water Board (PBWB): http://www.panganibasin.com
8. International Commission of Congo-Oubanqui-Sanqha (CICOS): http://www.cicos.info
9. Inkomati Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee
C. ZAMCOM also works with various media organisations some of whom are listed below:
1. Inter-Press Service (IPS) Water Wire: www.ipsnews.net/news/projects/the-southern-africa-water-wire
2. Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA): www.misa.org