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The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) recently traced its roots back to Kasane, Botswana where the Agreement to establish the organisation was signed between the eight Riparian States was back in July 2004.

Reminiscing on the occasion, ZAMCOM Executive Secretary, Mr. Felix Ngamlagosi said: “About 19 years ago, on the 13th Day of July 2004, in this same location of Kasane and specifically at Mowana Safari Lodge, the eight countries that share the Zambezi Watercourse signed the ZAMCOM Agreement – which is the establishing instrument of this Commission.”

Mr. Ngamlagosi was addressing the opening session of the ZAMCOM Council of Ministers meeting held on 27th April 2023. The meeting is held annually to adopt policies, make decisions and provide guidance for the proper implementation of the functions of the Commission.

“The objective of this meeting is to provide strategic policy directions and guidance for the effective implementation of the mission of the Commission. In this meeting, the Council will receive updates on the implementation of the approved work plan for the previous year, 2022/2023; and deliberate and make decisions on the 2023/2024 work plan and budget,” he said.

The Executive Secretary outlined some of the milestones for the year 2022/2023 as:

  • (a) The signing of Protocol of Agreement with the African Development Bank (AfDB) for financial support of the Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi Watercourse (PIDACC Zambezi for the Regional (ZAMCOM) Project on 31 January 2023;
  • (b) Securing financial resources from the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) for implementation of the Zambezi Watercourse activities;
  • Engagement of a Consultant for the development of a Concept Note for the formulation of the WASHP Strategy financed by the World Bank;
  • (c) Launching of the Watercourse-wide Multi-Sector Stakeholders Coordination Committee (WAMSC);
  • (d) Reactivating the ZAMTEC Sub-Committee on Hydrology and Hydrogeology (ZAMSCOH);
  • (e) Holding of stakeholders’ meetings on PIDACC Zambezi including the regional PIDACC Zambezi High Level Stakeholders meeting, regional consultation meeting on endorsement letters for PIDACC Zambezi Zone II; Country consultations on Zone II with Zambia; Angola and United Republic of Tanzania.

Mr. Ngamlagosi appealed to the Zambezi Riparian States to continue supporting the mobilisation of financial resources for the implementation of the identified and prioritised project and initiatives as outlined in the Strategic Plan for the Zambezi Watercourse (ZSP) through the PIDACC Zambezi.

The support, he said, will help to “actualise the aspirations of the ZAMCOM Agreement and ZSP through PIDACC Zambezi”.

He thanked Botswana for the support rendered to the ZAMCOM Secretariat in organising the meeting and also for providing guidance and leadership since assuming the Chair in April, 2022. Botswana was ZAMCOM Chair from the last Council meeting in 2022 until it handed over to Mozambique at this meeting.

“I also thank you, Council members, for dedicating time to attend this meeting,” he said in conclusion.
