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Gender Session - 9th SADC RBOs/SWIs Virtual Workshop

The Gender Session for the 9th Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) River Basin Organisations / Shared Watercourse Institutions (RBOs/SWIs) Workshop will be held virtually on 21 September 2021, under the theme ‘Integrating gender equality and social inclusion into water programs of the SADC RBOs/SWIs and Member States'.

The aim of the workshops is to equip gender, water, and related experts with the knowledge, skills, and tools to mainstream gender considerations into the design and delivery of water policies, programmes, and projects.

 The session is being organized by the SADC Water Division, in partnership with the USAID Resilient Waters Programme, Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), and the Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM).

The session will take place adjacent to the 9th SADC RBOs Workshop, 22-23 September 2021, with the following objectives:

  •  (a) Refresh understanding of gender equality and social inclusion in relation to water and climate resilient investments;
  •  (b) Share experiences on the integration of gender in water investments and review previously prepared country specific gender         action plans;
  •  (c) Share experiences of the gender transformative approach (GTA) in the development and implementation of climate resilient          water investments in Africa; and
  •  (d) Contribute towards the development of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) RBO training content.

Gender mainstreaming in the SADC Water Sector is realized through instruments such as the Revised SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses, the SADC Regional Water Policy, the SADC Regional Water Strategy and the Southern African Vision for Water, Life and Environment in the 21st Century. The SADC Regional Water Policy and Regional Water Strategy have been developed and implemented through the Regional Strategic Action Plans on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management (RSAP), which is currently in its fifth cycle (RSAP V: 2021-2025). Efforts to implement the gender mainstreaming policy pronouncements have been articulated in the RSAPs, specifically RSAP III through the implementation of the Gender Mainstreaming in Transboundary Water Management (TWM) programme. Under the current RSAP V gender has been integrated as a cross cutting issue.

GWPSA has facilitated a series of gender workshops on behalf of the SADC Secretariat since 2017, primarily targeted at the Gender Focal Points (GFPs) within the ministries responsible for water and representatives from the gender /women ministries.

 To find out more information about this event, please email Ms. Leonissah Abwino-Munjoma on

Photo Credit: GWPSA