

128 Samora Machel Avenue

Harare, Zimbabwe


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Chipo Zimbowah

Information, Communication and Technology

Chipo has over 14 years experience in Information and Technology activities ranging from Networking, Security, Systems Administration, Helpdesk, as well as Remote Sensing. She is passionate about ICT for Development with a desire to see technology use in making informed decisions as well as improvement of social welfare of the marginalised communities.

She has been with ZAMCOM since 2015 after having worked for Plan International and John Snow Inc (JSI). She is a holder of a degree in Business Studies and Computer Science, Cisco Certified Administrator, Certificate in Telecommunications as well as Diploma in Accounting.

Chipo loves Jesus and attending activities that uplifts and leads to the betterment of the lives of others. “A merry heart does well like medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Proverbs 17vs22